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How to use React Hooks with Redux

In this post we explore using React Hooks with Redux.

Kieran Magee
26 July 2022

React Tutorial - Build a Weather App from Scratch - Part 2

In part II of this tutorial we continue the step-by-step guide for creating a weather app using React and TypeScript.

Eamonn Boyle
25 February 2021

React Tutorial - Build a Weather App from Scratch - Part 1

In this tutorial I'll take you step-by-step through creating a weather app using React and TypeScript.

Eamonn Boyle
23 February 2021

TypeScript + React Hooks: Part 3

In this 3rd article in our series on using React Hooks with TypeScript, we will show how to enhance 'primitive' hooks into more complex functions, and highlight some of the...

Neil Armstrong
11 December 2020

TypeScript + React Hooks: Part 2

In this follow-up to our introductory article to using React Hooks with TypeScript, we’ll continue to discuss how leveraging types & type safety can make life easier when writing components...

Ross Jenkins
23 November 2020

TypeScript + React Hooks: Part 1 - The Basics

In this post, we delve into using TypeScript with React Hooks to develop in the front-end. Continuing our series of posts on the practical applications of TypeScript, and introducing another...

Ross Jenkins
9 November 2020

React + TypeScript + Redux Toolkit - Safety and Simplicity

In this article I'll explain how Redux Toolkit simplifies building Redux based apps and combines beautifully with React and TypeScript for an all-round great stack.

Eamonn Boyle
22 October 2020