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Don’t ThreeTen-d that Dates are easy with legacy Android

Why date and time is so difficult with older Android versions and the best approach to solve this

Jordan Colgan
20 November 2019

Inaugural Kotlin Belfast User Group Meetup

A summary of the first meetup from the Kotlin Belfast User Group

Eamonn Boyle
26 March 2019

Android databinding, with Kotlin!

The MVVM design pattern allows us to write code that is much easier to maintain, test, and reason about in Android development. In this post, we will describe how to...

Neil Armstrong
15 January 2018

Why Android Development Is Better With Kotlin

5 Reasons Why Android development is better using Kotlin

Chris van Es
3 January 2018

Surging Forward

How we are revolutionising video and RTP/RTSP streaming on mobile devices

Niall Kelly
25 September 2017

Bad Form (in Xamarin)

You might be tempted to use Xamarin Forms but most of the time, you shouldn't

Niall Kelly
3 July 2017

Xamarin: A Panacea for Cross-Platform Mobile Development?

Xamarin - a panacea for cross-platform mobile development?

Matt McComb
10 December 2015